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Find Slice to Slice Crystallographic Misalignments

Group (Subgroup)

Statistics Filters (Crystallographic)


This filter is designed to quantify the amount of "misalignment" between sections in a serial-sectioning EBSD dataset. The filter assumes that the Features in the volume are roughly equiaxed and randomly textured. The filter calculates the misorientation between each Cell in a given section and the Cell directly above it in the next section. The misorientation axis for each Cell pair is represented in the sample reference frame and averaged for all Cells. If the misorientations are random (which would be expected for random, equiaxed Features), then the average misorientation axis would be <001>. However, if the misorientation axis is some other direction, then it is likely that the misorientations are not random and may be due to the sections being tilted relative to each other, causing the orientations measured by the collection software to differ between sections.

Note: this filter should not be treated as an absolute measure of slice-slice misalignment, but rather a qualitative assessment of possible misalignment.


Name Type
Slice to Slice Rotations File Output File

Required DataContainers


Required Objects

Type Default Name Description Comment Filters Known to Create Data
Cell CellPhases Phase Id (int) specifying the phase of the Cell Values should be present from experimental data or synthetic generation and cannot be determined by this filter. Not having these values will result in the filter to fail/not execute. Read H5Ebsd File (IO), Pack Primary Phases (SyntheticBuilding), Insert Precipitate Phases (SyntheticBuilding), Establish Matrix Phase (SyntheticBuilding)
Cell GoodVoxels Boolean values used to define "regions" to be aligned Values are not required to be based on "good" or "bad" data, rather must only correspond to some identified "regions" Single Threshold (Cell Data) (Processing), Multi Threshold (Cell Data) (Processing)
Cell Quats Five (5) values (floats) that specify the orientation of the Cell in quaternion representation Filter will calculate the quaternion for each Cell if it is not already calculated. Find Cell Quaternions (Generic)
Ensemble CrystalStructures Enumeration (int) specifying the crystal structure of each Ensemble/phase (Hexagonal=0, Cubic=1, Orthorhombic=2) Values should be present from experimental data or synthetic generation and cannot be determined by this filter. Not having these values will result in the filter to fail/not execute. Read H5Ebsd File (IO), Read Ensemble Info File (IO), Initialize Synthetic Volume (SyntheticBuilding)

Created Objects


Example Pipelines

Please see the description file distributed with this Plugin

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