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Export INL File

Group (Subgroup)

IO (Output)


This Filter writes out Cell data from an Image Geometry to a file format used by the Idaho National Laboratory (INL). The format is columnar and space delimited, with header lines denoted by the "#" character. The columns are the following:

- phi1 
- Phi 
- phi2
- x Position (Microns)
- y Position (Microns)
- z Position (Microns)
- Feature Id
- Phase Id
- Symmetry

Some information about the phase is included in the header section of the file in addition to values for the origin, step size, dimensions and number of Features in the file.

Example Output

# File written from DREAM3DLib Version 5.2.1789.6419a8d
# DateTime: Fri Jun 19 10:13:25 2015
# X_STEP: 0.250000
# Y_STEP: 0.250000
# Z_STEP: 0.250000

# X_MIN: -36.750004
# Y_MIN: 10.250000
# Z_MIN: -29.000000

# X_MAX: -11.750004
# Y_MAX: 35.250000
# Z_MAX: -4.000000

# X_DIM: 100
# Y_DIM: 100
# Z_DIM: 100

# Phase_1: Nickel 
# Symmetry_1: 43
# Features_1: 796

# Num_Features: 796 

# phi1 PHI phi2 x y z FeatureId PhaseId Symmetry
0.266984 0.696910 4.434039 -36.750004 10.250000 -29.000000 639 1 43
0.266984 0.696910 4.434039 -36.500004 10.250000 -29.000000 639 1 43
0.266984 0.696910 4.434039 -36.250004 10.250000 -29.000000 639 1 43
0.266984 0.696910 4.434039 -36.000004 10.250000 -29.000000 639 1 43
0.267274 0.697210 4.432979 -35.750004 10.250000 -29.000000 639 1 43
0.266984 0.696910 4.434039 -35.500004 10.250000 -29.000000 639 1 43
0.266984 0.696910 4.434039 -35.250004 10.250000 -29.000000 639 1 43
0.266984 0.696910 4.434039 -35.000004 10.250000 -29.000000 639 1 43
0.266234 0.697020 4.434729 -34.750004 10.250000 -29.000000 639 1 43
0.266234 0.697020 4.434729 -34.500004 10.250000 -29.000000 639 1 43


Name Type Description
Output File File Path The output .txt file path

Required Geometry


Required Objects

Kind Default Name Type Component Dimensions Description
Cell Attribute Array FeatureIds int32_t (1) Specifies to which Feature each Cell belongs
Cell Attribute Array Phases int32_t (1) Specifies to which Ensemble each Cell belongs
Cell Attribute Array EulerAngles float (3) Three angles defining the orientation of the Cell in Bunge convention (Z-X-Z)
Ensemble Attribute Array CrystalStructures uint32_t (1) Enumeration representing the crystal structure for each Ensemble
Ensemble Attribute Array Material Names String (1) Name of each Ensemble
Ensemble Attribute Array Number of Features uint32_t (1) The number of Features per Ensemble

Created Objects


Example Pipelines

  • INL Export

Please see the description file distributed with this Plugin

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