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Find Euclidean Distance Map

Group (Subgroup)

Statistics (Morphological)


This Filter calculates the distance of each Cell from the nearest Feature boundary, triple line and/or quadruple point. The following algorithm explains the process:

  1. Find the Feature that owns each Cell and its six face-face neighbors of each Cell
  2. For all Cells that have at least 2 different neighbors, set their GBEuclideanDistance to 0. For all Cells that have at least 3 different neighbors, set their TJEuclideanDistance to 0. For all Cells that have at least 4 different neighbors, set their QPEuclideanDistance to 0
  3. For each of the three EuclideanDistace maps, iteratively "grow" out from the Cells identified to have a distance of 0 by the following sub-steps:

  4. Determine the Cells that neighbor a Cell of distance 0 in the current map.

  5. Assign a distance of 1 to those Cells and list the 0 Cell neighbor as their nearest neighbor
  6. Repeat previous two sub-steps, increasing the distances by 1 each iteration, until no Cells remain without a distance and nearest neighbor assigned.

    Note: the distances calculated at this point are "city-block" distances and not "shortest distance" distances.

  7. If the option Calculate Manhattan Distance is false, then the "city-block" distances are overwritten with the Euclidean Distance from the Cell to its nearest neighbor Cell and stored in a float array instead of an integer array.


Name Type Description
Calculate Manhattan Distance bool Whether the distance to boundaries, triple lines and quadruple points is stored as "city block" or "Euclidean" distances
Calculate Distance to Boundaries bool Whetherthe distance of each Cell to a Feature boundary is calculated
Calculate Distance to Triple Lines bool Whetherthe distance of each Cell to a triple line between Features is calculated
Calculate Distance to Quadruple Points bool Whetherthe distance of each Cell to a quadruple point between Features is calculated
Store the Nearest Boundary Cells bool Whether to store the nearest neighbors of Cell

Required Geometry


Required Objects

Kind Default Name Type Component Dimensions Description
Cell Attribute Array FeatureIds int32_t (1) Specifies to which Feature each Cell belongs

Created Objects

Kind Default Name Type Component Dimensions Description
Cell Attribute Array GBEuclideanDistances float (1) Distance the Cells are from the boundary of the Feature they belong to. Only created if Calculate Distance to Boundaries is checked
Cell Attribute Array TJEuclideanDistances float (1) Distance the Cells are from a triple junction of Features. Only created if Calculate Distance to Triple Lines is checked
Cell Attribute Array QPEuclideanDistances float (1) Distance the Cells are from a quadruple point of Features. Only created if Calculate Distance to Quadruple Points is checked
Cell Attribute Array NearestNeighbors int32_t (3) Indices of the closest Cell that touches a boundary, triple and quadruple point for each Cell. Only created if Store the Nearest Boundary Cells is checked

Example Pipelines

  • (01) SmallIN100 Morphological Statistics

Please see the description file distributed with this Plugin

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