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Find Feature Histogram

Group (Subgroup)

Statistics Filters (Ensemble)


This filter will bin a specified Feature level attribute. The user can chose both which attributes to bin and the number of bins. The bins will be stored in an Ensemble array.


Name Type Description
Feature Array To Bin String Feature to be binned.
Number Of Bins Integer
Remove Biased Features Boolean TRUE if biased features are to be omitted from the binning counts.

Required DataContainers


Required Objects

Type Default Name Description Comment Filters Known to Create Data
Feature BiasedFeatures Boolean flag of 1 if Feature is biased or of 0 if it is not. Find Biased Features (Generic)
Feature SelectedFeature Selected feature to be binned.

Created Objects

Type Default Name Description Comment
Ensemble Statistics

Example Pipelines

Please see the description file distributed with this Plugin

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If you need more help with a Filter, please consider asking your question on the DREAM.3D Users Google group!