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ITKImageProcessing (ITKImageProcessing)


This filter finds the closest pixel to the zero-crossings (sign changes) in a signed itk::Image .

Pixels closest to zero-crossings are labeled with a foreground value. All other pixels are marked with a background value. The algorithm works by detecting differences in sign among neighbors using city-block style connectivity (4-neighbors in 2d, 6-neighbors in 3d, etc.).

\par Inputs and Outputs The input to this filter is an itk::Image of arbitrary dimension. The algorithm assumes a signed data type (zero-crossings are not defined for unsigned data types), and requires that operator>, operator<, operator==, and operator!= are defined.

\par The output of the filter is a binary, labeled image of user-specified type. By default, zero-crossing pixels are labeled with a default "foreground" value of itk::NumericTraits::OneValue() , where OutputDataType is the data type of the output image. All other pixels are labeled with a default "background" value of itk::NumericTraits::ZeroValue() .

\par Parameters There are two parameters for this filter. ForegroundValue is the value that marks zero-crossing pixels. The BackgroundValue is the value given to all other pixels.

\see Image

\see Neighborhood

\see NeighborhoodOperator

\see NeighborhoodIterator

\par Wiki Examples:

\li All Examples

\li Find zero crossings in a signed image


Name Type Description
ForegroundValue int Set/Get the label value for zero-crossing pixels.
BackgroundValue int Set/Get the label value for non-zero-crossing pixels.

Required Geometry


Required Objects

Kind Default Name Type Component Dimensions Description
Cell Attribute Array None N/A (1) Array containing input image

Created Objects

Kind Default Name Type Component Dimensions Description
Cell Attribute Array None uint8_t (1) Array containing filtered image


[1] T.S. Yoo, M. J. Ackerman, W. E. Lorensen, W. Schroeder, V. Chalana, S. Aylward, D. Metaxas, R. Whitaker. Engineering and Algorithm Design for an Image Processing API: A Technical Report on ITK - The Insight Toolkit. In Proc. of Medicine Meets Virtual Reality, J. Westwood, ed., IOS Press Amsterdam pp 586-592 (2002). [2] H. Johnson, M. McCormick, L. Ibanez. The ITK Software Guide: Design and Functionality. Fourth Edition. Published by Kitware Inc. 2015 ISBN: 9781-930934-28-3 [3] H. Johnson, M. McCormick, L. Ibanez. The ITK Software Guide: Introduction and Development Guidelines. Fourth Edition. Published by Kitware Inc. 2015 ISBN: 9781-930934-27-6

Example Pipelines

Please see the description file distributed with this plugin.

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