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Crop Geometry (Image)

Group (Subgroup)

Sampling (Cropping/Cutting)


This Filter allows the user to crop an Image Geometry of interest. The input parameters are in units of Cells. For example, if a Image Geometry was 100x100x100 Cells and each Cell was 0.25 x 0.25 x 0.25 units of resolution, then if the user wanted to crop the last 5 microns in the X direction, then the user would enter the following:

Xmin = 80, Xmax = 99, Ymin = 0, Ymax = 99, Zmin = 0, Zmax = 99

Note: The input parameters are inclusive and begin at 0, so in the above example 0-99 covers the entire range of Cells in a given dimension.

See also the tutorial page here.

It is possible with this Filter to fully remove Features from the volume, possibly resulting in consistency errors if more Filters process the data in the pipeline. If the user selects to Renumber Features then the Feature Ids array will be adjusted so that all Features are continuously numbered starting from 1. The user should decide if they would like their Features renumbered or left alone (in the case where the cropped output is being compared to some larger volume).

The user has the option to save the cropped volume as a new Data Container or overwrite the current volume.

Normally this Filter will leave the origin of the volume set at (0, 0, 0), which means output files like the Xdmf file will have the same (0, 0, 0) origin. When viewing both the original larger volume and the new cropped volume simultaneously the cropped volume and the original volume will have the same origin which makes the cropped volume look like it was shifted in space. In order to keep the cropped volume at the same absolute position in space the user should turn ON the Update Origin check box.


Name Type Description
X Min (Column) int32_t Lower X (column) bound of the volume to crop out
Y Min (Row) int32_t Lower Y (row) bound of the volume to crop out
Z Min (Plane) int32_t Lower Z (plane) bound of the volume to crop out
X Max (Column) int32_t Upper X (column) bound of the volume to crop out
Y Max (Row) int32_t Upper Y (row) bound of the volume to crop out
Z Max (Plane) int32_t Upper Z (plane) bound of the volume to crop out
Renumber Features bool Whether the Features should be renumbered
Update Origin bool Whether the origin of the cropped volume should be updated to the absolute location in the original volumes reference frame (true) or whether the origin of the original volume should be used as the origin of the cropped volume (false)
Save as New Data Container bool Specifies if the new grid of Cells should replace the current Geometry or if a new Data Container should be created to hold it

Required Geometry


Required Objects

Kind Default Name Type Component Dimensions Description
Attribute Matrix CellData Cell N/A Cell Attribute Matrix that holds data for resolution change
Cell Attribute Array FeatureIds int32_t (1) Specifies to which Feature each Cell belongs. Only required if Renumber Features is checked
Attribute Matrix CellFeatureData Cell Feature N/A Feature Attribute Matrix that corresponds to the Feature data for the selected Feature Ids. Only required if Renumber Features is checked

Created Objects

Kind Default Name Type Component Dimensions Description
Data Container NewImageDataContainer N/A N/A Created Data Container name with an Image Geometry. Only created if Save as New Data Container is checked

Example Pipelines

  • TxCopper_Exposed
  • TxCopper_Unexposed
  • (01) SmallIN100 Quick Mesh

Please see the description file distributed with this Plugin

DREAM.3D Mailing Lists

If you need more help with a Filter, please consider asking your question on the DREAM.3D Users Google group!