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Insert Precipitate Phases

Group (Subgroup)

Synthetic Building (Packing)


If there are precipitate Phase Types in the volume, then this Filter will place precipitate Features with the sizes, shapes, physical orientations and locations corresponding to the goal statistics. Precipitate Features are currently placed one at a time and are not allowed to overlap. The precpitiate packing process is similar to that for packing primary phases.

Currently, the parameters that are matched to target parameters include:

  • Fraction of precipitates on a grain boundary
  • Size distribution of the precipitates
  • Volume fraction of precipitates
  • Omega 3 distribution of precipitates in each size bin
  • b/a size distribution of precipitates in each size bin
  • c/a size distribution of precipitates in each size bin
  • Axis orientation distribution
  • Normalized radial distribution function (if opted for by the user)

Note that for an ellipsoid a > b > c.

The user can specify if they want periodic boundary conditions. If they choose periodic boundary conditions, when the precipitate Features are being placed, if a Feature attempts to extend past the boundary of the volume it wraps to the opposing face and is placed on the opposite side of the volume.

The user can also specify if they want to write out the goal attributes of the generated precipitate Features. The Features, once packed, will not necessarily have the exact statistics (size, shape, orientation, number of neighbors) as sampled from the distributions. This is due to the use of non-space-filling objects in the packing process. The overlaps and gaps that occur after packing, must be assigned and will cause the Features to deviate from the intended goal (albeit hopefully in a minor way). Writing out the goal attributes allows the user to then calculate the actual attributes and compare to determine how well the packing algorithm is working for their Features.

The user can also choose to read in a list of precipitate Features with their locations and size and shape descriptions already determined. If this option is choosen, the Filter will skip the steps of generating the Features and iteratively placing them and will begin growing the Features defined in list. The format of the Feature Input File is:

Number of Features
Phase X Y Z A B C O3 Phi1 PHI Phi2
Phase X Y Z A B C O3 Phi1 PHI Phi2
Phase X Y Z A B C O3 Phi1 PHI Phi2
Phase X Y Z A B C O3 Phi1 PHI Phi2
  • The file is a SPACE delimited file
  • The first line of the file is an integer that is the number of features in the file.
  • All other lines contain 11 columns of data. ALL columns are required.
Column Type Description
X Float X Coordinate
Y Float Y Coordinate
Z Float Z Coordinate
A Float Major Pricipal Semi Axis Length
B Float Mid Pricipal Semi Axis Length
C Float Minor Pricipal Semi Axis Length
O3 Float Omega 3 Value of the feature
phi1 Float First Euler Angle
PHI Float Second Euler Angle
phi2 Float Third Euler Angle

where (X, Y, Z) are the coordinates of the Feature's centroid, (A, B, C) are the major, mid and minor principal semiaxis lengths of the Feature, O3 is the Omega 3 value of the Feature and (Phi1, PHI, Phi2) are the Euler angles that describe the Features's orientation in the sample reference frame.

For more information on synthetic building, visit the tutorial.

How to write out the Goal Attributes

In previous versions of DREAM.3D for this filter there was an option to "Write Goal Attributes". This has been replaced with the feature that allows the user to save the Shape Parameters to another Attribute Matrix. To regain this functionality the user can enable this option from a drop down combo box in the Filter Parameter input widget, then add the "Export Feature Data as CSV File" later in the pipeline. In that added filter, the user can select the Feature Attribute Matrix where they saved the Shape Parameters.


Name Type Description
Periodic Boundaries bool Whether to wrap Features to create periodic boundary conditions
Match Radial Distribution Function bool Whether to attempt to match the radial distribution function of the precipitates
Already Have Precipitates bool Whether to read in a file that lists the available precipitates
Precipitate Input File File Path The input precipitates file. Only needed if Already Have Precipitates is checked
Write Goal Attributes bool Whether to write the goal attributes of the packed precipitates
Goal Attributes CSV File File Path The output .csv file path. Only needed if Write Goal Attributes is checked
Save Shape Description Arrays Int 0=Do not Save, 1=Save to New Attribute Matrix, 2=Append to existing AttributeMatrix
New AttributeMatrix DataArrayPath AttributeMatrix to save the Shape DescriptionArrays into

Required Geometry


Required Objects

Kind Default Name Type Component Dimensions Description
Cell Attribute Array FeatureIds int32_t (1) Specifies to which Feature each Cell belongs
Cell Attribute Array Phases int32_t (1) Specifies to which Ensemble each Cell belongs
Cell Attribute Array BoundaryCells int32_t (1) The number of neighboring Cells of a given Cell that belong to a different Feature than itself. Values will range from 0 to 6
Feature Attribute Array Phases int32_t (1) Specifies to which Ensemble each Feature belongs
Ensemble Attribute Array Statistics Statistics Object (1) Statistics objects (depending on Phase Type) that store fits to descriptors such as size distribution, shape distribution, neighbor distribution, ODF, MDF, etc.
Ensemble Attribute Array PhaseTypes uint32_t (1) Enumeration specifying the phase type of each Ensemble
Ensemble Attribute Array ShapeTypes uint32_t (1) Enumeration specifying the type of shape to place for each Ensemble
Ensemble Attribute Array NumFeatures int32_t (1) Specifies the number of Features in each Ensemble

Created Objects

Shape Description Arrays

Kind Default Name Type Component Dimensions Description
Cell Attribute Array AxisEulerAngles float (3) Morphological Orientation in Bunge Convention (ZX'Z'')
Cell Attribute Array AxisLengths float (3) The Ellipsoid Aspect Ratios[a, a/b, c/a]
Cell Attribute Array Centroids float (3) The XYZ value for each ellipsoid
Cell Attribute Array EquivalentDiameters float (1) Equivalent Spherical Diameter
Cell Attribute Array Neighborhoods int32_t (1)
Cell Attribute Array Omega3s float (1) The Shape Parameter
Cell Attribute Array Volumes float (1) The Volume of the ellipsoid

Example Pipelines

  • (05) Composite
  • (04) Two Phase Cubic Hexagonal Particles Equiaxed

Please see the description file distributed with this Plugin

DREAM.3D Mailing Lists

If you need more help with a Filter, please consider asking your question on the DREAM.3D Users Google group!