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SimulationIO (SimulationIO)


This Filter writes the input files for different simulation packages. The currently supported packages are ABAQUS, PZFLEX and BSAM.

This filter assumes that the finite element discretization is equal to the discretization of image. Thus, the number of finite elements in each direction are equal to the number of cells. Please try Export 3D Solid Mesh filter to make mesh that is different from the distribution of cells in an image.



The ABAQUS option writes out five files for input into the Abaqus analysis tool. The files created are: xxx.inp (the master file), xxx_nodes.inp, xxx_elems.inp, xxx_elset.inp and xxx_sects.inp.

The material information is written in the master file (xxx.inp). There is a table to enter the values of material constants. Number of values in the table should be equal to the number entered in "Number of Material Contants" field. However, the total number of material constants that will be written in the .inp file will be (5 + "Number of Material Constants"). The first five values under User Material are grainID, phaseID, Euler1, Euler2, and Euler3. The user provided material constants are written after these five values. A format of material data that is written to *.inp file is shown below:

Material, name = GrainId#_PhaseID#_set Depvar < Number of Solution Dependent Variables> User Material, constants = 5 + "Number of Material Constants" grainID, phaseID, Euler1, Euler2, Euler3, materialConstant1, materialConstant2, materialConstant3 ... User Output Variables "Number of User Output Variables"

Currently, this filter is valid only for cuboidal geometries and creates brick elements (C3D8/C3D8R) only.


The PZFLEX option of this filter writes out PZFLEX's input file (.flxtbl). The required input for this option is Feature IDs* and the output consists of a header, nodal coordinates and a description of spatial distribution of features.


The BSAM option of this filter writes out the mesh related data in BSAM's input file. It will read in the mesh files provided by the user, and write their content to the input (.in) file. User should specify the number of clusters and also provide a mesh file in .ele format for each cluster. The mesh files should be named as , where # corresponds to the cluster number and placed in the directory specified in Output Path.


Name Type Description
FEA package Enumeration package to be used
Output Path Path path of the directory where files will be created
Output File Prefix String output file prefix
Job Name String job name, if ABAQUS is chosen
Number of Solution Dependent Variables int number of solution dependent variables, if ABAQUS is chosen
Number of Material Constants int number of material constants, if ABAQUS is chosen
Number of User Output Variables int number of usev output variables, if ABAQUS is chosen
Material Constants DynamicTableData values of material constants, if ABAQUS is chosen
Delamination Material String Name of the delamination material, if PZFLEX is chosen
Number of Keypoints Int keypoints in x, y, and z dimension, if PZFLEX is chosen
Number of Clusters Int number of clusters, if BSAM is chosen

Required Geometry

Not Applicable

Required Objects

Kind Default Name Type Component Dimensions Description
Feature Attribute Array FeatureIds int32_t (1) Specifies to which Feature each Cell belongs, if ABAQUS or PZFLEX is chosen
Feature Attribute Array Euler Angles float (3) Three angles defining the orientation of the Feature, if ABAQUS is chosen
Feature Attribute Array Phases int32_t (1) Specifies to which Ensemble each Cell belongs, if ABAQUS is chosen

Created Objects

Example Pipelines

Please see the description file distributed with this plugin.

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