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ITKImageProcessing (ITKImageProcessing)


Produce a binary image where foreground is the regional minima of the input image.

Regional minima are flat zones surrounded by pixels of greater value.

If the input image is constant, the entire image can be considered as a minima or not. The SetFlatIsMinima() method let the user choose which behavior to use.

This class was contribtued to the Insight Journal by \author Gaetan Lehmann. Biologie du Developpement et de la Reproduction, INRA de Jouy-en-Josas, France.

\see RegionalMaximaImageFilter

\see ValuedRegionalMinimaImageFilter

\see HConcaveImageFilter

\par Wiki Examples:

\li All Examples

\li RegionalMinimaImageFilter


Name Type Description
BackgroundValue double Set/Get the value used as "background" in the output image. Defaults to NumericTraits::NonpositiveMin() .
ForegroundValue double Set/Get the value in the output image to consider as "foreground". Defaults to maximum value of PixelType.
FullyConnected bool Set/Get whether the connected components are defined strictly by face connectivity or by face+edge+vertex connectivity. Default is FullyConnectedOff. For objects that are 1 pixel wide, use FullyConnectedOn.
FlatIsMinima bool Set/Get wether a flat image must be considered as a minima or not. Defaults to true.

Required Geometry


Required Objects

Kind Default Name Type Component Dimensions Description
Cell Attribute Array None N/A (1) Array containing input image

Created Objects

Kind Default Name Type Component Dimensions Description
Cell Attribute Array None uint32_t (1) Array containing filtered image


[1] T.S. Yoo, M. J. Ackerman, W. E. Lorensen, W. Schroeder, V. Chalana, S. Aylward, D. Metaxas, R. Whitaker. Engineering and Algorithm Design for an Image Processing API: A Technical Report on ITK - The Insight Toolkit. In Proc. of Medicine Meets Virtual Reality, J. Westwood, ed., IOS Press Amsterdam pp 586-592 (2002). [2] H. Johnson, M. McCormick, L. Ibanez. The ITK Software Guide: Design and Functionality. Fourth Edition. Published by Kitware Inc. 2015 ISBN: 9781-930934-28-3 [3] H. Johnson, M. McCormick, L. Ibanez. The ITK Software Guide: Introduction and Development Guidelines. Fourth Edition. Published by Kitware Inc. 2015 ISBN: 9781-930934-27-6

Example Pipelines

Please see the description file distributed with this plugin.

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