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H5EBSD Data File Specification

DREAM.3D can store EBSD data from multiple vendors in a data file using the HDF5 file format library. Although the general layout of the HDF5 file is the same between vendors, there are details that are not the same between vendors, because each vendor chooses to save different types of data. The top level datasets that deal with the basic volume information is the same for every file.

HDF5 File Layout

HDF5 Root Level Layout Specification

Root Level Attributes Type Name/Comments/Default Value
FileVersion H5T_NATIVE_INT32 Current Value="5"
EsdLibVersion H5T_STRING Optional value that states what version of the library wrote the file
Root Level Data sets HDF5 Type Name/Comments/Default Value
Index An array of all the slice values. As of DREAM3D Version 5 this is not really used but could handy if the list of slices starts to get large.
EulerTransformationAngle H5T_NATIVE_FLOAT Degrees
EulerTransformationAxis H5T_NATIVE_FLOAT 3x1 Array (Example 0,0,1)
Manufacturer H5T_STRING The Manufacturer currently is either TSL or HKL
Max X Points H5T_NATIVE_INT64 The maximum number of X points in the sample grid
Max Y Points H5T_NATIVE_INT64 The maximum number of Y points in the sample grid
SampleTransformationAngle H5T_NATIVE_FLOAT Degrees
SampleTransformationAxis H5T_NATIVE_FLOAT 3x1 Array (Example 0,0,1)
Stacking Order H5T_NATIVE_UINT32 Defines which slice corresponds to the Z=0 in the coordinate system. 0=Low to High. 1 = High to Low. Optional Attribute of type H5T_STRING, with Name "Name" and Value ("Low To High" or "High To Low")
X Resolution H5T_NATIVE_FLOAT Resolution between sample points in the X direction
Y Resolution H5T_NATIVE_FLOAT Resolution between sample points in the Y direction
Z Resolution H5T_NATIVE_FLOAT Resolution between slices in the Z Direction
ZEndIndex H5T_NATIVE_INT64 Starting Slice index
ZStartIndex H5T_NATIVE_INT64 Ending Slice index (inclusive)
Index An array of all the slice values. As of DREAM3D Version 5 this is not really used but could handy if the list of slices starts to get large.

Slice Group Specification

Each Slice is grouped into its own H5G_GROUP with the Name of the group as the index of the slice. Within each slice group there are two (2) more groups with names Data and Header

Name HDF5 Type Value
Data H5G_GROUP Contains all the data columns
Header H5G_GROUP Contains all the header entries

TSL Specification

This section details the data to be imported from a .ang file into the .h5ebsd file.

TSL (.ang) Data Group Specification

Name HDF5 Type Value
Phi1 H5T_NATIVE_FLOAT Contains all the Phi1 data in a 1D Array with length equal to the total number of points.
Phi H5T_NATIVE_FLOAT Contains all the Phi data in a 1D Array with length equal to the total number of points.
Phi2 H5T_NATIVE_FLOAT Contains all the Phi2 data in a 1D Array with length equal to the total number of points.
X Position H5T_NATIVE_FLOAT Contains all the X position data in a 1D Array with length equal to the total number of points.
Y Position H5T_NATIVE_FLOAT Contains all the Y position data in a 1D Array with length equal to the total number of points.
Image Quality H5T_NATIVE_FLOAT Contains all the Image Quality data in a 1D Array with length equal to the total number of points.
Confidence Index H5T_NATIVE_FLOAT Contains all the Confidence Index data in a 1D Array with length equal to the total number of points.
PhaseData H5T_NATIVE_INT32 Contains all the PhaseData data in a 1D Array with length equal to the total number of points.
SEM Signal H5T_NATIVE_FLOAT Contains all the SEM Signal data in a 1D Array with length equal to the total number of points.
Fit H5T_NATIVE_FLOAT Contains all the Fit of Solution data in a 1D Array with length equal to the total number of points.

TSL (.ang) Header Group Specification

Name HDF5 Type Value
OriginalFile H5T_STRING Path to the .ang file that was imported
OriginalHeader H5T_STRING Contains the original header from the imported .ctf file
TEM_PIXperUM H5T_NATIVE_FLOAT Contains value for the header entry TEM_PIXperUM
x-star H5T_NATIVE_FLOAT Contains value for the header entry x-star
y-star H5T_NATIVE_FLOAT Contains value for the header entry y-star
z-star H5T_NATIVE_FLOAT Contains value for the header entry z-star
WorkingDistance H5T_NATIVE_FLOAT Contains value for the header entry WorkingDistance
ElasticConstants H5T_STRING Contains value for the header entry ElasticConstants
GRID H5T_STRING Contains value for the header entry GRID
XSTEP H5T_NATIVE_FLOAT Contains value for the header entry XSTEP
YSTEP H5T_NATIVE_FLOAT Contains value for the header entry YSTEP
NCOLS_ODD H5T_NATIVE_INT32 Contains value for the header entry NCOLS_ODD
NCOLS_EVEN H5T_NATIVE_INT32 Contains value for the header entry NCOLS_EVEN
NROWS H5T_NATIVE_INT32 Contains value for the header entry NROWS
OPERATOR H5T_STRING Contains value for the header entry OPERATOR
SAMPLEID H5T_STRING Contains value for the header entry SAMPLEID
SCANID H5T_STRING Contains value for the header entry SCANID
Phases H5G_GROUP Group that contains a subgroup for each phase where the name of each subgroup is the index of the phase starting at 1.

TSL (.ang) Phase Group Specification

Name HDF5 Type Value
Categories H5T_NATIVE_INT32
Formula H5T_STRING
LatticeConstants H5T_NATIVE_FLOAT
Material Name H5T_STRING
NumberFamilies H5T_NATIVE_INT32
Symmetry H5T_NATIVE_INT32
hklFamilies H5G_GROUP Contains all the HKL Family information where the number of datasets contained in this group is the number of HKL Families

TSL (.ang) HKLFamily Group Specification

Name HDF5 Type Value
{Based on Index of the family}. If there are 4 families then there are 4 data sets with names "0", "1", "2" and "3". Custom: See Below
typedef struct
    int h;
    int k;
    int l;
    int s1;
    float diffractionIntensity;
    int s2;
} HKLFamily_t;

HKL Specification

This section details the data to be imported from a .ctf file into the .h5ebsd file

HKL (.ctf) Data Group Specification

1D Array of Values, where the number of elements in the array is equal to the total number of points per 2D Slice.

Name HDF5 Type Value
Z H5T_NATIVE_FLOAT Note that this ONLY appears in a "3D" .ctf data file
Euler1 H5T_NATIVE_FLOAT In 2D files these are in Degrees. In 3D files these are in Radians
Euler2 H5T_NATIVE_FLOAT In 2D files these are in Degrees. In 3D files these are in Radians
Euler3 H5T_NATIVE_FLOAT In 2D files these are in Degrees. In 3D files these are in Radians
GrainIndex H5T_NATIVE_INT32
GrainRandomColourR H5T_NATIVE_UINT8
GrainRandomColourG H5T_NATIVE_UINT8
GrainRandomColourB H5T_NATIVE_UINT8

HKL (.ctf) Header Specification

Name HDF5 Type Value
OriginalFile H5T_STRING Path to the .ctf file that was imported
OriginalHeader H5T_STRING Contains the original header from the imported .ctf file
Prj H5T_STRING Contains value for the header entry Prj
Author H5T_STRING Contains value for the header entry Author
JobMode H5T_STRING Contains value for the header entry JobMode
XCells H5T_NATIVE_INT32 Contains value for the header entry XCells
YCells H5T_NATIVE_INT32 Contains value for the header entry YCells
XStep H5T_NATIVE_FLOAT Contains value for the header entry XStep
YStep H5T_NATIVE_FLOAT Contains value for the header entry YStep
ZStep H5T_NATIVE_FLOAT Contains value for the header entry ZStep
ZCells H5T_NATIVE_FLOAT Contains value for the header entry ZCells
AcqE1 H5T_NATIVE_FLOAT Contains value for the header entry AcqE1
AcqE2 H5T_NATIVE_FLOAT Contains value for the header entry AcqE2
AcqE3 H5T_NATIVE_FLOAT Contains value for the header entry AcqE3
Mag H5T_NATIVE_INT32 Contains value for the header entry Mag
Coverage H5T_NATIVE_INT32 Contains value for the header entry Coverage
Device H5T_NATIVE_INT32 Contains value for the header entry Device
KV H5T_NATIVE_INT32 Contains value for the header entry KV
TiltAngle H5T_NATIVE_FLOAT Contains value for the header entry TiltAngle
TiltAxis H5T_NATIVE_FLOAT Contains value for the header entry TiltAxis
Phases H5G_GROUP Group that contains a subgroup for each phase where the name of each subgroup is the index of the phase starting at 1.

HKL (.ctf) Phase Group Specification

Name HDF5 Type Value
Comment H5T_STRING Contains value for the header entry Comment
Internal1 H5T_STRING Contains value for the header entry Internal1
Internal2 H5T_STRING Contains value for the header entry Internal2
LatticeAngles H5T_NATIVE_FLOAT Contains value for the header entry Lattice Angles in a 1x3 array
LatticeDimensions H5T_NATIVE_FLOAT Contains value for the header entry Lattice Dimensions in a 1x3 array
LaueGroup H5T_NATIVE_INT32 Contains value for the header entry LaueGroup plus an H5T_STRING Attribute which is the string name of the Laue Group, for example "Hexagonal-High 6/mmm"
SpaceGroup H5T_NATIVE_INT32 Contains value for the header entry SpaceGroup
PhaseName H5T_STRING Contains value for the header entry PhaseName

Stacking Order Discussion

The stacking order refers to the order in which the z slices are stacked together when they are read from the file. The enumerations are also in the EbsdLibConstants.h header file.

As a further explanation, if the ordering is Low To High, then the slice with the lowest number is positioned at Z=0 in 3D Cartesian space. For example, if your data set is numbered from 23 to 86 with file names of the form Slice_023.ang and you select "Low To High", then the data inside of file Slice_023.ang will be positioned at Z=0 during any method that has to deal with the data. The opposite of this is if the user were to select to have their data High to Low, in which case, the file with name Slice_086.ang will be positioned at Z=0 and the file with name "Slice_023.ang" will be positioned at Z=64.