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ITKImageProcessing (ITKImageProcessing)


Binarize an input image using double thresholding.

Double threshold addresses the difficulty in selecting a threshold that will select the objects of interest without selecting extraneous objects. Double threshold considers two threshold ranges: a narrow range and a wide range (where the wide range encompasses the narrow range). If the wide range was used for a traditional threshold (where values inside the range map to the foreground and values outside the range map to the background), many extraneous pixels may survive the threshold operation. If the narrow range was used for a traditional threshold, then too few pixels may survive the threshold.

Double threshold uses the narrow threshold image as a marker image and the wide threshold image as a mask image in the geodesic dilation. Essentially, the marker image (narrow threshold) is dilated but constrained to lie within the mask image (wide threshold). Thus, only the objects of interest (those pixels that survived the narrow threshold) are extracted but the those objects appear in the final image as they would have if the wide threshold was used.

\see GrayscaleGeodesicDilateImageFilter

\see MorphologyImageFilter , GrayscaleDilateImageFilter , GrayscaleFunctionDilateImageFilter , BinaryDilateImageFilter


Name Type Description
Threshold1 double Set the thresholds. Four thresholds should be specified. The two lower thresholds default to NumericTraits::NonpositiveMin() . The two upper thresholds default NumericTraits::max . Threshold1 <= Threshold2 <= Threshold3 <= Threshold4.
Threshold2 double Set the thresholds. Four thresholds should be specified. The two lower thresholds default to NumericTraits::NonpositiveMin() . The two upper thresholds default NumericTraits::max . Threshold1 <= Threshold2 <= Threshold3 <= Threshold4.
Threshold3 double Set the thresholds. Four thresholds should be specified. The two lower thresholds default to NumericTraits::NonpositiveMin() . The two upper thresholds default NumericTraits::max . Threshold1 <= Threshold2 <= Threshold3 <= Threshold4.
Threshold4 double Set the thresholds. Four thresholds should be specified. The two lower thresholds default to NumericTraits::NonpositiveMin() . The two upper thresholds default NumericTraits::max . Threshold1 <= Threshold2 <= Threshold3 <= Threshold4.
InsideValue int Set the "inside" pixel value. The default value NumericTraits::max()
OutsideValue int Set the "outside" pixel value. The default value NumericTraits::ZeroValue() .
FullyConnected bool Set/Get whether the connected components are defined strictly by face connectivity or by face+edge+vertex connectivity. Default is FullyConnectedOff. For objects that are 1 pixel wide, use FullyConnectedOn.

Required Geometry


Required Objects

Kind Default Name Type Component Dimensions Description
Cell Attribute Array None N/A (1) Array containing input image

Created Objects

Kind Default Name Type Component Dimensions Description
Cell Attribute Array None uint8_t (1) Array containing filtered image


[1] T.S. Yoo, M. J. Ackerman, W. E. Lorensen, W. Schroeder, V. Chalana, S. Aylward, D. Metaxas, R. Whitaker. Engineering and Algorithm Design for an Image Processing API: A Technical Report on ITK - The Insight Toolkit. In Proc. of Medicine Meets Virtual Reality, J. Westwood, ed., IOS Press Amsterdam pp 586-592 (2002). [2] H. Johnson, M. McCormick, L. Ibanez. The ITK Software Guide: Design and Functionality. Fourth Edition. Published by Kitware Inc. 2015 ISBN: 9781-930934-28-3 [3] H. Johnson, M. McCormick, L. Ibanez. The ITK Software Guide: Introduction and Development Guidelines. Fourth Edition. Published by Kitware Inc. 2015 ISBN: 9781-930934-27-6

Example Pipelines

Please see the description file distributed with this plugin.

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