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Ti Dwell Fatigue Crystallographic Analysis

Group (Subgroup)

Statistics Filters (Crystallographic)


Determines Initiators, Hard Features, Soft Features and Hard-Soft Pairs in microtextured voxelized structures. Initiators are alpha globs defined as the user defined angle range between the c-axis ([0001]) and the user defined stress axis. Hard Features are microtextured regions (MTRs) defined as the user defined angle range between {10-17} plane normal and the user defined stress axis. Soft Features are MTRs defined as the user defined angle range between the c-axis ([0001]) and the user defined stress axis. Note that the Initiators and Soft Features calculations is the same as the Find Basal Loading Factor filter calculation. Hard-Soft Pairs are HardFeatures - Soft Features pairs with a neighboring Initiator that is not flagged here. Note the Stress Axis does not have not be a unit vector. Note that Lattice Parameter A and Lattice Parameter C is defaulted for alpha Ti. The Subsurface Feature Distance To Consider defines a subvolume in which only Features whose centroid lies within the subvolume are considered for Initiators, Hard Features, Soft Features and Hard-Soft Pairs criteria. All other Features are ignored.


Name Type Description
Lattice Parameter A Float The hexagonal basal lattice parameter.
Lattice Parameter C Float The hexagonal height lattice parameter.
Subsurface Feature Distance To Consider Int The distance (microns) from the surface defining a subvolume.
Fraction Of Features To Consider Float The fraction of Features to randomly consider from the input volume element.
Stress Axis X Float The X component of the stress axis in the sample reference frame.
Stress Axis Y Float The Y component of the stress axis in the sample reference frame.
Stress Axis Z Float The Z component of the stress axis in the sample reference frame.
Initiator Lower Threshold Float The lower threshold (degrees) between the Feature {10-17} plane normal and the Stress Axis.
Initiator Upper Threshold Float The upper threshold (degrees) between the Feature {10-17} plane normal and the Stress Axis.
Propagator Lower Threshold Float The lower threshold (degrees) between the Feature c-axis ([0001]) and the Stress Axis.
Propagator Upper Threshold Float The upper threshold (degrees) between the Feature c-axis ([0001]) and the Stress Axis.

Required DataContainers


Required Arrays

Type Default Name Description Comment Filters Known to Create Data
Feature FeatureEulerAngles Three (3) angles (floats) defining the orientation of each Feature in Bunge convention (Z-X-Z). Find Average Orientations (Statistics), Match Crystallography (SyntheticBuilding)
Feature FeaturePhases Phase Id (int) specifying the phase of the Feature. Find Feature Phases (Generic), Read Feature Info File (IO), Pack Primary Phases (SyntheticBuilding), Insert Precipitate Phases (SyntheticBuilding), Establish Matrix Phase (SyntheticBuilding)
Feature NeighborLists List of the contiguous neighboring Features for a given Feature. Find Feature Neighbors (Statistics), Find Feature Neighborhoods (Statistics)
Feature Centroids X, Y, Z coordinates (floats) of the Feature center of mass. This filter will calculate Feature centroids if not previously calculated. Find Feature Centroids (Generic)
Ensemble CrystalStructures Enumeration (int) specifying the crystal structure of each Ensemble/phase (Hexagonal=0, Cubic=1, Orthorhombic=2). Values should be present from experimental data or synthetic generation and cannot be determined by this filter. Not having these values will result in the filter to fail/not execute. Read H5Ebsd File (IO), Read Ensemble Info File (IO), Initialize Synthetic Volume (SyntheticBuilding)

Created Arrays

Type Default Name Comment
Feature SelectedFeatures Boolean value specifying if the Feature is randomly selected based on the Fraction Of Features To Consider criterion.
Feature Initiators Boolean value specifying if the Feature meets the Initiators criteria.
Feature HardFeatures Boolean value specifying if the Feature meets the Hard Features criteria.
Feature SoftFeatures Boolean value specifying if the Feature meets the Soft Features criteria.
Feature HardSoftPairs Boolean value specifying if the Feature meets the Hard-Soft Pairs criteria.
Feature ParentIds List of grouped hard or soft Features.
Feature ParentNumNeighbors Value (int) equal to the number of contiguous neighboring ParentIds for given ParentIds.
Feature ParentNeighborLists List of the contiguous neighboring ParentIds for given ParentIds.
Feature ParentSharedSurfaceAreaLists List of the area shared between contiguous neighboring ParentIds for given ParentIds.
Cell ParentIds List of grouped hard or soft Cells.

Example Pipelines

Please see the description file distributed with this plugin.

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