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Generate Ensemble Statistics

Group (Subgroup)

Statistics (Ensemble)


This Filter will fit "common" statistical distributions (as chosen by the user) to specific Feature level attributes. The user can choose which types of attributes to fit (morphological and/or crystallographic) and what distribution to use when fitting them. The parameters that define the "best-fit" distributions will be stored in an Ensemble array. The Ensemble array will be an array of Statistics Objects that are defined structures within DREAM.3D. The Statistics Objects are used when building synthetic structures in DREAM.3D. There are other Filters for fitting a distribution to an individual array, but this Filter is intended to be used to populate the Statistics Objects needed to build synthetic structures.

Note: The user must select a Phase Type for each Ensemble for which Statistics Objects are desired. This selection occurs in the Phase Types selection, where the user must select the Ensemble Attribute Matrix that will be used to define the desired target Ensembles. The choice of Phase Type for each Ensemble will change the arrays that are fit for that Ensemble.

For more information on using this Filter to feed into synthetic building, visit the tutorial.


Name Type Description
Phase Types Enumeration Specifies the phase type for each Ensemble in a chosen Ensemble Attribute Matrix
Size Correlation Resolution float Defines the width of bins used to discretize the size distribution when correlating other parameters to the size distribution
Calculate Morphological Stats bool Whether to calculate the fits for each of the morphological statistics (size, shape, orientation, neighbors)
Size Distribution Fit Type Enumeration Which distribution to fit the size distibution with. Only needed if Calculate Morphological Stats is checked
Aspect Ratio Distribution Fit Type Enumeration Which distribution to fit the aspect ratio distibution with. Only needed if Calculate Morphological Stats is checked
Omega3 Distribution Fit Type Enumeration Which distribution to fit the omega3 distibution with. Only needed if Calculate Morphological Stats is checked
Neighborhoods Distribution Fit Type Enumeration Which distribution to fit the neighborhood distibution with. Only needed if Calculate Morphological Stats is *checked
Calculate Crystallographic Stats bool Specifies whether to calculate the fits for each of the crystallographic statistics (orientation distribution function, misorientation distribution function)

Required Geometry

Not Applicable

Required Objects

Kind Default Name Type Component Dimensions Description
Feature Attribute Array Phases int32_t (1) Specifies to which Ensemble each Feature belongs
Feature Attribute Array NeighborList List of int32_t (1) List of the contiguous neighboring Features for a given Feature
Feature Attribute Array BiasedFeatures bool (1) Flag of 1 if Feature is biased or of 0 if it is not. Only required if Calculate Morphological Stats is checked
Feature Attribute Array EquivalentDiameters float (1) Diameter of a sphere with the same volume as the Feature. Only required if Calculate Morphological Stats is checked
Feature Attribute Array AspectRatios float (2) Ratio of axis lengths (b/a and c/a) for best-fit ellipsoid to Feature. Only required if Calculate Morphological Stats is checked
Feature Attribute Array Omega3s float (1) 3rd invariant of the second-order moment matrix for the Feature, does not assume a shape type (i.e., ellipsoid). Only required if Calculate Morphological Stats is checked
Feature Attribute Array Neighborhoods int32_t (1) Number of Features that have their centroid within the user specified multiple of equivalent sphere diameters from each Feature. Only required if Calculate Morphological Stats is checked
Feature Attribute Array AxisEulerAngles float (3) Euler angles (in radians) necessary to rotate the sample reference frame to the reference frame of the Feature, where the prinicpal axes of the best-fit ellipsoid are (x,y,z). Only required if Calculate Morphological Stats is checked
Feature Attribute Array SurfaceFeatures bool (1) Flag of 1 if Feature touches an outer surface or of 0 if it does not. Only required if Calculate Crystallographic Stats is checked
Feature Attribute Array Volumes float (1) Volume (in units^3) of the Feature. Only required if Calculate Crystallographic Stats is checked
Feature Attribute Array AvgEulerAngles float (3) Defines the orientation of each Feature in Bunge convention (Z-X-Z). Only required if Calculate Crystallographic Stats is checked
Feature Attribute Array AvgQuats float (4) Defines the average orientation of the Feature in quaternion representation. Only required if Calculate Crystallographic Stats is checked
Feature Attribute Array SharedSurfaceAreaLists List of float (1) List of the shared surface area for each of the contiguous neighboring Features for a given Feature. Only required if Calculate Crystallographic Stats is checked
Ensemble Attribute Array CrystalStructures uint32_t (1) Enumeration representing the crystal structure for each Ensemble

Created Objects

Kind Default Name Type Component Dimensions Description
Ensemble Attribute Array PhaseTypes uint32_t (1) Enumeration specifying the phase type of each Ensemble
Ensemble Attribute Array Statistics Statistics Object (1) Statistics objects (depending on phase type) that store fits to descriptors like: size distribution, shape distribution, neighbor distribution, ODF, MDF, etc)

Example Pipelines

  • (06) SmallIN100 Synthetic

Please see the description file distributed with this Plugin

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If you need more help with a Filter, please consider asking your question on the DREAM.3D Users Google group!