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Identify MicroTexture (C-Axis Misalignment)

Group (Subgroup)

Reconstruction Filters (Grouping)


This Filter groups neighboring Features that have c-axes aligned within a user defined tolerance. The algorithm for grouping the Features is analogous to the algorithm for segmenting the Features - only the average orientation of the Features are used instead of the orientations of the individual Cells and the criterion for grouping only considers the misalignment of the c-axes. The user can specify a tolerance for how closely aligned the c-axes must be for neighbor Features to be grouped.

A user defined patch size is rastered over the domain. When a given patch contains a volume fraction of Features with a user defined c-axis misalignment above a user defined volume fraction, then that patch is flagged as an microtexture region and the growth algorithm commences. For the growth algorithm, regions within the average diameter of the Features are searched and compared with Features for c-axis misalignments within the user defined tolerance. If the Feature c-axis is aligned within the tolerance, it is added to the microtexture region. This search and growth algorithm continues until none of the surrounding Features satisfies the criteria, at which point the next patch is executed along the raster.

NOTE: This filter is intended for use with Hexagonal materials. While the c-axis is actually just referring to the <001> direction and thus will operate on any symmetry, the utility of grouping by <001> alignment is likely only important/useful in materials with anisotropy in that direction (like materials with Hexagonal symmetry).


Name Type
C-Axis Misalignment Tolerance Float
Minimum MicroTextured Region Size (Diameter) Float
Minimum Volume Fraction In MTR Float

Required DataContainers


Required Objects

Type Default Name Description Comment Filters Known to Create Data
-- C-Axis Locations
Cell Cell Phases
Ensemble CrystalStructures Enumeration (int) specifying the crystal structure of each Ensemble/phase (Hexagonal=0, Cubic=1, Orthorhombic=2) Values should be present from experimental data or synthetic generation and cannot be determined by this filter. Not having these values will result in the filter to fail/not execute. Read H5Ebsd File (IO), Read Ensemble Info File (IO), Initialize Synthetic Volume (SyntheticBuilding)

Created Objects

Type Default Name Description Comment
Feature Active Boolean value specifying if the Feature is still in the sample (1 if the Feature is in the sample and 0 if it is not). At the end of the filter, all Features will be "Active" as the "Inactive" Features will have been removed.
Feature MTR Ids
Cell New Cell Feature Attribute Matrix Name

Example Pipelines

Please see the description file distributed with this Plugin

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If you need more help with a Filter, please consider asking your question on the DREAM.3D Users Google group!