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Group (Subgroup)

Statistics (Crystallographic)


This Filter computes the 5D grain boundary character distribution (GBCD) for a Triangle Geometry, which is the relative area of grain boundary for a given misorientation and normal. The GBCD can be visualized by using either the Write GBCD Pole Figure (GMT) or the Write GBCD Pole Figure (VTK) Filters.


Name Type Description
GBCD Resolution (Degrees) float The resolution in degrees for the GBCD calculation

Required Geometry

Image + Triangle

Required Objects

Kind Default Name Type Component Dimensions Description
Face Attribute Array FaceLabels int32_t (2) Specifies which Features are on either side of each Face
Face Attribute Array FaceNormals double (3) Specifies the normal of each Face
Face Attribute Array FaceAreas double (1) Specifies the area of each Face
Feature Attribute Array AvgEulerAngles float (3) Three angles defining the orientation of the Feature in Bunge convention (Z-X-Z)
Feature Attribute Array Phases int32_t (1) Specifies to which phase each Feature belongs
Ensemble Attribute Array CrystalStructures uint32_t (1) Enumeration representing the crystal structure for each Ensemble

Created Objects

Kind Default Name Type Component Dimensions Description
Ensemble Attribute Array GBDC Double (n,m,l,o,q,r) 5 parameter GBCD data. The 6th component is used internally to track the northern vs. southern hemisphere of the Lambert sphere

Example Pipelines

  • (04) SmallIN100 GBCD

Please see the description file distributed with this Plugin

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