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Find Feature Neighbor C-Axis Misalignments

Group (Subgroup)

Statistics (Crystallographic)


This Filter determines, for each Feature, the C-axis misalignments with the Features that are in contact with it. The C-axis misalignments are stored as a list (for each Feature) of angles (in degrees).


NOTE: Only features with identical phase values and a crystal structure of Hexagonal_High will be calculated. If two features have differentphase values or a crystal structure that is not Hexagonal_High then a value of NaN is set for the misorientation.


Name Type Description
Find Average Misalignment Per Feature bool Whether the average of the C-axis misalignments with the neighboring Features should be stored for each Feature

Required Geometry

Not Applicable

Required Objects

Kind Default Name Type Component Dimensions Description
Feature Attribute Array NeighborLists List of int32_t (1) List of the contiguous neighboring Features for a given Feature
Feature Attribute Array AvgQuats float (4) Defines the average orientation of the Feature in quaternion representation
Feature Attribute Array Phases int32_t (1) Specifies to which Ensemble each Feature belongs
Ensemble Attribute Array CrystalStructures uint32_t (1) Enumeration representing the crystal structure for each Ensemble

Created Objects

Kind Default Name Type Component Dimensions Description
Feature Attribute Array CAxisMisalignmentList List of float (1) List of the C-axis misalignment angles (in degrees) with the contiguous neighboring Features for a given Feature
Feature Attribute Array AvgCAxisMisalignments float (1) Number weighted average of neighbor C-axis misalignments. Only created if Find Average Misalignment Per Feature is checked

Example Pipelines

Please see the description file distributed with this Plugin

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