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Point Sample Triangle Geometry

Group (Subgroup)

DREAM3D Review (Geometry)


This Filter randomly samples point locations on Triangles in a Triangle Geometry. The sampled point locations are then used to construct a Vertex Geometry. The number of point samples may either be specified manually or by inferring from another Geometry:

Geometry Source for Number of Samples
Image Number of cells
Rectilinear Grid Number of cells
Vertex Number of vertices
Edge Number of vertices
Triangle Number of vertices
Quadrilateral Number of vertices
Tetrahedral Number of vertices

In order to ensure an even sampling of the total surface are of the Triangle Geometry, the average number of points sampled per triangle is made proportional to the area of the triangle. Within a given Triangle, a point is chosen using the following approach:

Equation 1

where are the coordinates of the sampled point; , , and are the coordinates of the vertices beloning to the Triangle; and and are random real numbers on the interval . This approach has the benefit of uniform sampling within the Triangle area, and functions correctly regardless of the dimensionality of the space embedding (i.e., whether the Triangle is in the plane or embedded in 3D).

The user may opt to use a mask to prevent certain Triangles from being sampled; where the mask is false, the Triangle will not be sampled. Additionally, the user may choose any number of Face Attribute Arrays to transfer to the created Vertex Geometry. The vertices in the new Vertex Geometry will gain the values of the Faces from which they were sampled.


Name Type Description
Source for Number of Samples Enumeration Whether to input the number of samples manually or use another Geometry to determine the number of samples
Number of Sample Points int32_t Number of sample points to use, if Manual is selected for Source for Number of Samples
Use Mask bool Whether to use a boolean mask array to ignore certain Trianlges flagged as false from the sampling algorithm

Required Geometry


Required Objects

Kind Default Name Type Component Dimensions Description
Data Container TriangleDataContainer N/A N/A Data Container holding the Triangle Geometry to sample
Data Container None N/A N/A Data Container holding the Geometry used to determine the number of samples, if Other Geometry is selected for Source for Number of Samples
Face Attribute Array FaceAreas double (1) Specifies the area of each Face
Face Attribute Array Mask bool (1) Specifies if the Face can be sampled, if Use Mask is checked

Created Objects

Kind Default Name Type Component Dimensions Description
Data Container VertexDataContainer N/A N/A Data Container holding the Vertex Geometry that represents the sampling points
Vertex Attribute Matrix VertexData Vertex N/A Vertex Attribute Matrix for the created Vertex Data Container

Example Pipelines

Please see the description file distributed with this plugin.

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