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Compute Eigenstrains by Feature (Grain/Inclusion)

Group (Subgroup)

DREAM3DReview (DREAM3DReview)


This Filter calculates the eigenstrain tensor of each Feature by using Poisson's ratio, Feature shape information, and elastic strain tensor information. This filter was developed alongside Ref. [1].

For each Feature, the Eshelby tensor is calculated using the solution for Eshelby's isotropic inclusion given by Mura [2]. If Use Ellipsoidal Grains is enabled, the elliptic integrals used to calculate the Eshelby tensor are numerically approximated using 32-point Gaussian quadrature. Otherwise, the tensor is exact when grains are assumed to be spherical. The eigenstrain tensor is then calculated using the known relation between Eshelby's tensor and the elastic strain tensor [2]. The correctional matrix can be used to emperically correct the eigenstrains using the approaches from Refs. [3] and [4].


Name Type Description
Poisson's Ratio float Poisson's ratio (normally calculated using a self-consistent approximation)
Use Ellipsoidal Grains bool Whether or not to use the full ellipsoid Eshelby tensor solution (requires grain shape information)
Use Correctional Matrix bool Whether or not to use the correctional matrix for each strain component
Beta11 float Correctional value for the 11/xx component
Beta22 float Correctional value for the 22/yy component
Beta33 float Correctional value for the 33/zz component
Beta23 float Correctional value for the 23/yz component
Beta13 float Correctional value for the 13/xz component
Beta12 float Correctional value for the 12/xy component

Required Geometry


Required Objects

Kind Default Name Type Component Dimensions Description
Feature Attribute Array AxisLengths float (3) Semi-axis lengths (a, b, c) for best-fit ellipsoid to Feature
Feature Attribute Array AxisEulerAngles float (3) Euler angles (in radians) necessary to rotate the sample reference frame to the reference frame of the Feature, where the prinicpal axes of the best-fit ellipsoid are (X, Y, Z)
Feature Attribute Array ElasticStrains float (6) Elastic strain tensor of the Feature in Voigt notation

Created Objects

Kind Default Name Type Component Dimensions Description
Feature Attribute Array Eigenstrains float (6) Eigenstrain tensor of the Feature in Voigt notation

References ##

[1] The AFRL AM Modeling Challenge: Predicting Micromechanical Fields in AM IN625 Using an FFT-Based Method with Direct Input from a 3D Microstructural Image, C.K. Cocke, A.D. Rollett, R.A. Lebensohn, A.D. Spear. In preperation.

[2] Micromechanics of Defects in Solids, Mura, T., Martinus-Nijhoff, Dordrecht, 1987

[3] Instantiation of crystal plasticity simulations for micromechanical modelling with direct input from microstructural data collected at light sources, R. Pokharel and R.A Lebensohn, Scripta Mater., 132 (2017), pp. 73-77

[4] Validation of micro-mechanical FFT-based simulations using High Energy Diffraction Microscopy on Ti-7Al, V. Tari, R.A. Lebensohn, R. Pokharel, T.J. Turner, P.A. Shade, J.V. Bernier, A.D. Rollet, Acta Mater., 154 (2018), pp. 273-283

Example Pipelines


Please see the description file distributed with this plugin.

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