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macOS Build Instructions

Follow the instructions to create an SDK here.


Next, download the source code repositories by following the instructions on the SourceDownload page.


  • If you are using Makefiles or Ninja as your build system you will need to decide which type of build you would like: Debug or Release.
  • You will need to remember where you installed the DREAM3D_SDK.

The following example assumes that the DREAM3D_SDK is located in /Users/[USER-NAME]/DREAM3D_SDK and you have another directory /Users/[USER-NAME]/Workspace/ that has the DREAM3D sources:


Run CMake

Invoke CMake with the following command

[user@host] $ cd /Users/[USER-NAME]/Workspace
[user@host] $ mkdir DREAM3D-Builds
[user@host] $ cd DREAM3D-Builds
[user@host] $ mkdir Release
[user@host] $ cd Release
[user@host] $ cmake -G Ninja -DDREAM3D_SDK=/PATH/TO/DREAM3D_SDK -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release ../../DREAM3D

This will tell CMake to configure a build (binary) folder (the current folder) and also generate the build files. In this example we are using the Ninja build system. Most Linux distributions will need to install this. You can either use your package manager (ninja-build) or download a binary from GitHub. An alternate method is to just use the default Makefiles which can be done in the following way:

[user@host] $ cd /Users/[USER-NAME]/Workspace
[user@host] $ mkdir DREAM3D-Builds
[user@host] $ cd DREAM3D-Builds
[user@host] $ mkdir Release
[user@host] $ cd Release
[user@host] $ cmake -DDREAM3D_SDK=/PATH/TO/DREAM3D_SDK -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release ../../DREAM3D

Assuming that nothing goes wrong you are now ready to compile DREAM.3D. Using the command prompt again to issue either the make or ninja commands depending on what you using when configuring.

[user@host] $ ninja


[user@host] $ make -j

Once the compilation is complete the DREAM.3D executable will be located in "/Users/[USER-NAME]/Workspace/DREAM3D-Builds/Release/Bin". The user can then just execute the program like usual.


If you would like to build a redistributable package then from within the build directory issue the "cpack" command.

[user@host] $ cpack.

When that ends there will be a "DREAM3D_XXXXXXXXX.tar.gz" file in the "/Users/[USER-NAME]/Workspace/DREAM3D-Builds/Release" directory.